A dear friend of the ministry and faithful herald of the gospel, Brent Nelson, challenged us in Sunday School, describing the contours of the Nation of Mateo ("Disciples"), and then exhorting us to apply the principles of discipleship found in Acts 14 to our own church family. May God make it so!
The curriculum we are using for FDNs is the New City Catechism. Our plan is to spread out the 52 questions over 3 school years, with our folks doing about half of the questions themselves at home. In this way, we hope to help them in discipleship rather than do it for them. May God grant us the Spirit's power to fulfill our Mission:
ULBC’s Family Discipleship Nights exist to strengthen the
church family in sound doctrine and in rich fellowship to the end that they are
equipped to joyfully lead their children and others to be mature disciples of
Pray for us as we begin this new journey emphasizing the importance of making disciples who make disciples. Pray that it will not simply be a gathering 9 times a year, but rather a divinely-empowered help to our people as they make discipleship a normal part of their lives.