Men's Conference on Pursuing Genuine Biblical Revival

May 5 & 6, 2017

Theme: "Capture Our Hearts Again!"

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ray Ortlund
Pastor of Immanuel Church (Acts 29 plant in Nashville, TN)
President of Renewal Ministries
Regional Director of Acts 29 Network
Formerly Assoc. Prof. of OT & Semitic Languages @ Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL)
Council Member & regular blogger at The Gospel Coalition
Author of commentaries and many books including Isaiah: God Saves Sinners in the Preaching the Word Series Commentary Series, When God Comes to Church: A Biblical Model for Revival Today, The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ in the 9 Marks Building Healthy Churches Series and most recently Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel.

Pre-Conference Workshop - 2 Sessions (Content to be released soon)

Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Tom Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Prof of New Testament Interpretation, Professor of Biblical Theology and Associate Dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY)
Author of many commentaries and books including The Law and Its Fulfillment: A Pauline Theology of Law, The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology of Perseverance and Assurance; The King in His Beauty, and Romans in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament Series.

Registration opens soon at

Hosted by:
Union Lake Baptist Church
8390 Commerce Road
Commerce, MI 48382

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Be Careful How You Build It

James 3:1 is oft quoted for the heightened accountability of teachers in God's church. Listen again to it: "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." John MacArthur's comments on this warning, "[N]o believer shoud begin any form of teaching God's Word without a deep sense of the seriousness of this responsibility."

Another passage with a similar reminder is in Hebrews 13:17, "[Y]our leaders . . . are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account." However, the reference to accountability in this text seems amplified compared to James' warning. James 3:1 indicates we will be judged more strictly because of our handling of the Scriptures. The writer of Hebrews seems to speak even more seriously about what is in store for the leaders of God's church; they will be judged for how they watch over men's souls. Is there really an appreciable difference between the two warnings though?

I think the what's going on in both James 3:1 and Hebrews 13:17 can be seen more clearly when seen in the light of 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. In Chapter 3, Paul has been rebuking the church for its factionalism manifested in their pitting various church leaders against each other (see v.4). Paul does something interesting in the metaphor of the builders of a building. He begins by stating that he laid the foundation down "like a skilled master builder" (v.10). He explains this in the next verse by saying what other church leaders must not do: "For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ." Of course, this is what Paul said one chapter earlier: "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified" (2:2). This fact is critical to understanding Paul's warning to church leaders about the proper type of building materials to use. Paul says that if church leaders build the church with material that will not withstand God's fiery judgment, everything they work at will be of no eternal value and the leaders themselves will be effected most severely by God's judgment of their worthless work: "If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself wil be saved but only as through fire" (v.15).

I believe that this passage, as I said, includes the warnings of James 3:1 and Hebrews 13:17. Paul is warning Christian leaders that would follow him, "I relied only on the gospel of Jesus Christ to begin the church because it builds something of eternal value, will withstand God's awesome judgment, and brings glory to the Savior. If you continue the work with anything else, you will do none of these things and, as a result, it will be a shameful and frightening account you will give to God." This warning speaks of teaching Scripture and all other aspects of Christian leadership. How we pray, evangelize, spend God's money. All such things are how we might build upon the gospel. If we manipulate people or lead in a way that doesn't point to our absolute dependence upon what Jesus has already done, we are building in a faulty way.

Pray that the teaching at the conference will be characterized by the gold, silver, and precious stones of the gospel. Pray that it will be anything less than the gospel that men fellowship in at the conference. Pray that the conference will build up God's Kingdom in Detroit in a way that will endure the flames of God's judgment.

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