So Cameron promised us 80 degrees and sun. Not exactly! I think it was about 55 degrees (significantly warmer than the water) on Tuesday. We got up and ate breakfast and then met 9 Ticos for a day of getting to know each other. We put our suntan lotion on (actually we put Jeff Cady's suntan lotion on) and went off to whitewater rafting (class3). We had 4 rafts, each with a guide in the back. My raft had Joshua, Elias, Mike, and Dennis. We nearly lost Dennis once, nearly lost our whole crew once, and had to get unstuck from about 10 different big rocks. Raft #2: Doug, Jeff Cady, Chuck, Brad and Randall. Cameron was in one of the remaining two rafts with the rest of our new Tico friends (e.g., one was nick-named Osso or "bear"). Everyone got soaked from the rapids and from the rival raft splashing. But only one actually went in the drink...our own Jeff Cady! The good part was that he lasted about 5 minutes before he went overboard. Apparently, he tried to take Doug in with him...but his cat-like reflexes kept him from being drug in.
After lunch, we then went zip lining (also known as canopying). We rode up in a 1977 full-sized Chevy SUV which was about the same width as the very steep and dirt road. When we got out, we were told there was a short hike to get to the top. It was 20-25 minutes of walking up primitive steps. Everyone was winded and needing a nap by the top. Platform to platform we zipped, some 13 lines in all. The 1st was very short (to build your confidence no doubt). The 2nd was the scary one...for me especially. After that we mostly got the hang of it and had a mixture of fear of heights and exhileration. The views were spectacular and it was quite an experience looking down on San Jose. God was good. He protected 273 "runs" or "zips." He also gave courage to a few of us that are fairly afraid of of which got a Roca Viva t-shirt as an emblem of that courage.
What was more important was the connection we made with the Ticos. We subsidized their trip as they wouldn't have been able to go otherwise. We were able to have many conversations and just plain old fun with them. Cam told us is was very important that we made this connections with them so that we might be able to minister them. One of the guys, Randall, told Cam this was the best day of his life. Cam explained that the men here just do not have a strong level of commitment to and fellowship with each other. Our spending a day with them displayed for them how Christian men ought to relate to one another.
Pray that these inital relationships open up doors for gospel ministry. More later.
In Christ,

Pray that these inital relationships open up doors for gospel ministry. More later.
In Christ,
This sounds great as long as they don't get the idea that this is what men's Christian fellowship is always like! :) I mean -- really -- all other fellowship will pale in comparison to zipping across the jungle. Unless of course you all determine to restructure our men's ministry and spend your Monday evenings this way.... hmmm... maybe something we should consider for Women's Ministry? Jan, What do you think?
ReplyDeleteReally though -- we're delighted that you all are having a great time and that God is preparing hearts for the messages this weekend. And, as we are all so swamped with the women's ministry conference next weekend -- we're barely missing you! :) (Just kidding!)
Much love from the snowbound north.