Men's Conference on Pursuing Genuine Biblical Revival

May 5 & 6, 2017

Theme: "Capture Our Hearts Again!"

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ray Ortlund
Pastor of Immanuel Church (Acts 29 plant in Nashville, TN)
President of Renewal Ministries
Regional Director of Acts 29 Network
Formerly Assoc. Prof. of OT & Semitic Languages @ Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL)
Council Member & regular blogger at The Gospel Coalition
Author of commentaries and many books including Isaiah: God Saves Sinners in the Preaching the Word Series Commentary Series, When God Comes to Church: A Biblical Model for Revival Today, The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ in the 9 Marks Building Healthy Churches Series and most recently Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel.

Pre-Conference Workshop - 2 Sessions (Content to be released soon)

Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Tom Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Prof of New Testament Interpretation, Professor of Biblical Theology and Associate Dean of the School of Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY)
Author of many commentaries and books including The Law and Its Fulfillment: A Pauline Theology of Law, The Race Set Before Us: A Biblical Theology of Perseverance and Assurance; The King in His Beauty, and Romans in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament Series.

Registration opens soon at

Hosted by:
Union Lake Baptist Church
8390 Commerce Road
Commerce, MI 48382

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thursday...Another Full and Awesome Day (Part 1)

Thursday morning we headed over to Cam's church. Roca Viva is a very beautiful setting in Paraiso (pair ah EE so). We arrived to workers repairing the garage-door style entrance to what is the sanctuary. The morning's goal was to canvass downtown Paraiso with tracts and invitations to the evangelistic marriage seminar they would soon be hosting. We sat in the sanctuary and listened to Cam's instructions on which parts of the town each group would cover. Gringos were paired with Ticos and off we went...except for Brad and I who went into the lower level and put some finishing touches on our conference teaching notes.

About an hour and a half later, we walked around the block to Alfredo's Pizzeria where we would have lunch. Alfredo's wife is an interior designer and has helped her husband transform their home into a beautiful restaurant. We walked through the English cottage style front, gated front year, up a gently curved walkway and into the romantically decorated interior where we were greeted by Alfredo, his wife Mara, and to our surprise Kade and Carliotos (who work for Alfredo) as well. We were led into the backyard that consists of two separate, semi-private open-air dining areas covered by elegantly draped canopies. Underneath our room were four or five tables covered in white table cloths in the shape of an "L."

We were seated and awaited the specially prepared pizzas that would come. While we waited, Mike Mumford gave what I believe was the first devotional he has given publicly. He shared a wonderful lesson of how the believer in Jesus has spiritual resources at his disposal in the form of God Himself living inside him and that we ought to ask for increased filling and guiding of that Great Comforter each day. The talk was laced with the powerful, saving message of Jesus Christ. It was both a challenge and encouragement to the believers and a plea to repent to the few unbelieving Ticos who shared the meal with us. I couldn't help but think of how far Mike has come as a leader since the watershed Together for the Gospel Conference in 2006.

Well, the pizzas finally came...and kept coming one after the other until we all nearly slipped into a food coma. These pies had thin & crispy crust with all manner of delicious toppings, and were nearly enhaled by the men. I think it was a 6-way tie for who had the most slices. Why in the world was I worried about the food I would eat! We washed them down with glasses of good old Coca Cola made with real cane sugar. We also were given some lime-looking fruit that was a kind of guava. The real name of this fruit remain under debate to this day. Our all-knowing host, Cameron, told us is was one thing, was quickly challenged by the native Ticos, and was given still a third name by Joshua, who we now know grew up on a farm in India and is apparently an expert in all things fruit. Anyways, it was terribly bitter even with the pinch of salt we put on it after we pulled it in half to eat. What we have come to appreciate as Cameron's almost helpful timing, now came as he confessed he doesn't eat them (as we all had contorted faces from having just done so!).

Many, many conversations were being had and friendships formed by this point. Chuck has been masterfully engaging with various Ticos. Thankfully many of them spoke enough English where the rest of us could also meaningfully engage with them. For the rest, we would grab Cam or Chuck or even Dennis and get to know these dear men. I am reminded of Paul's sentiments toward his new Thessalonian friends,

"So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our won selves, because you had become very dear to us." 1 Thess. 2:8.

These sweet men have indeed become dear to us. There is not a man on the team that has not developed a deep affection for these Ticos. What is amazing about our coming to Alfredo's for this gathering is that just days prior Cam was going to rescheduled the venue as Alfredo (a fishing enthusiast) had scheduled a fishing expedition with some friends. Thankfully the Spirit of God moved in Alfredo to sacrifice a trip he had been looking forward to. His sacrifice extended to driving the others to their fishing destination before returning to make ready his restaurant for our arrival. Praise God that changes the heart of men who don't have a natural desire to serve him.
I'm a little behind in the blogging. I'll catch you up soon. The conference began last night: Testimony from Jeff Cady and Conference Teaching Session #1 by Brad. This morning will be a testimony from Mike followed by Conference Teaching Session #2 by me. After a break, Chuck will give a testimony followed by Brad teaching Sessoin #3. Pray for the gospel to take root and bear fruit. More later.
In Christ,

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